Tuesday, July 15, 2008

simplified points update

1 -Me- 133
2 -Chip- 108
3 -Chris- 100
4 -Lee- 92
5 -Marc- 84
6 -Dale- 70
7 -Jake- 65
8 -Eric- 62
9 -Lori- 60
10 -Andrew- 57

A win this week! Also, Chip ended up busting out outside of the points, which allowed me to extend my lead over him by another eleven points. I almost went out prior to the points as well when I was called all-in by Lee who held AJ of clubs against my 66. He flopped an ace and turned a flush draw, but I hit my miracle two-outer on the river to double through him. I think he could have folded the hand preflop, but that isn't the point. After this unbelievable reversal, I was now no longer that short on chips. I proceeded to get my chips in good in a few places, and before long I was in solid contention, about third in chips.

In two key pots, I stacked Jake, then Lori when I made flushes against them. In one pot, the flop came down with a QT of clubs and an eight of spades. I held the J9 of clubs for the open-ended straight flush draw. Lori bet out $3 and I raised her to $10.50. She called, and the turn card came 6 of clubs (bingo.). She checked to me, and I bet $22. She raised all-in for about $18 more, and I made the call. She showed QT for two pair and my flush held up, giving me a massive chip lead.

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