Monday, April 7, 2008

one hundred U.S.

Another fantastic game at the office tonight, continuing the recent trend of cash game wins at that location. It was much different than the last game we played there, with only five players playing as opposed to Friday's ten. The lineup was Eric, John, Lee, Dale, and myself (in clockwise order). John ended up leaving pretty much even, and the big winners were Eric and myself.

There were some wild hands in the game tonight!! Lee and Dale were involved in a large all-in pot in which Lee was drawing to four outs to make a gutshot straight with two cards coming. They agreed to run it twice, and Lee's eight came, filling his straight. When the board paired, Dale remarked that he was glad they had agreed to run it twice, since if they'd just run it once Lee would have won the pot, rather than the split which was almost certain to come. However, on the second board, the eight came again. When the board didn't pair, Lee won a disgustingly unlikely pot.

In a hand of Omaha hi-lo, Eric and I saw a flop of 10 10 2 rainbow, and I held a 10 against Eric's 2 2 for deuces full. Of course, I coudn't possibly put him on this hand, and since I was first to act, I bet the pot. He called, and fourth street was a four, making me fours full with the 10 4. Since he had called my bet on the flop, I figured he had a big piece and would call another pot-sized bet. I made the bet, and as expected, I called it. On the river (an offsuit 8) I bet around two thirds of the pot, and got paid off with my full house, tens over fours versus his full house, deuces over tens.

Even more insane, at one point Lee was felted by Eric when he flopped fours up on a flop of 4 2 2. The turn was a blank, and the river another 4. Eric had a huge amount of chips at this point, as an aside. The action was bet and raise all-in, and Lee declared "I have the four," and showed his hand. Eric turned up pocket deuces, for quads. He flopped four of a kind, and Lee had improved his two pair to the full house, which still wasn't quite good enough.

All told, it was quite a game for me, as I made about $27 an hour, which is a more than adequate hourly rate for the limits I'm playing.

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