Friday, March 21, 2008

broadway beats bullets

Last night, the game wasn't all that much to write home about. I didn't lose anything, and indeed thought I played pretty well at the beginning of the night, but it was only four-handed, and we were all initially in there on $10 stakes. Also, it was a bit uncomfortable, as one of the players in the game was dealing with personal issues at the time and basically arrived on tilt.
Normally, of course, I wouldn't care about this at the table, and I don't think my opponents would either, but knowing the guy I legitimately felt bad for him and told him I didn't think this was the best time for him to be playing since his head wasn't in the game.
Still, I finished up twelve bucks and had an allright time getting it, so I'll be confident going into tonight's Friday Night Game that I can win some more serious cash.
I'd put in some details about the various hands that played out, but nothing really climactic happened last night, and I'll save it for another game.
Also, someone finally commented on the blog (thanks Julie)! I knew it would happen eventually.

Featured Bad Beat:

Me: AT of spades
Marc: 22
Flop: A34
Turn: J
River: 5

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