Saturday, March 29, 2008

Some bad fours on the river, and a pair of aces

Last night's game had so-so results for me, as I ended up + $20 for the night. The players were Justin, John, Eric, Marc, Dale, Trey, Jesse, and me. I got reduced to very low chips early on when, in a pot against Trey, I put all of my chips into the pot with an overpair of tens. I was called by his 62, for bottom pair of sixes and a backdoor straight draw. Sure enough, he backdoored the straight. In fact, Trey caught a miracle two pair against Jesse for all of the chips a few hands later when his second pair of nines with the four kicker improved on the river.
This was made up for somewhat a little later on, when Trey put $25 into the pot preflop as dead money to stimulate action. I was dealing, and Dale told me that if he got two aces and won the pot he'd split it with me. A player raised before him, and Dale shoved his stack in the middle. The opposition folded, and miraculously enough, he showed the AA and I got a free thirteen bucks out of it.

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