Saturday, March 8, 2008

even again

Well, tonight's Friday game was pretty much a wash for me (down $4), though the Monday night crowd took the money down, generally speaking. The players were Dale, Lee, Trey, Mike, John, Eric, Marc, and myself. I ended up buying more chips twice, once because I was stacked with a pocket pair of sevens when called preflop by an Ace-eight which spiked on the flop. However, I was able to scratch my way back to just about $4 in the red.
However, the greatest part is what happened after the game. After the game, Lee, Dale, and I played darts. We played horse for $1 a letter, and I ended up recovering my loss plus a few bucks when I shut out Lee and Dale for $10 in the first game, made $2-3 in prop bets during the game, and took down the second game for $3.
I would have liked to do better in the Friday Night game, especially given the fact that a lot of mistakes are made during it. I was happy to have made a couple of bucks for the night rather than losing 4, but I also should have made fewer bluffs, and been willing to admit I was beat when signs pointed to it. It is difficult to be patient for extended periods of time, especially when you've been getting cold cards and the first raiseworthy hand in an hour and a half completely misses the flop and you have to fold it. That's poker though, and sometimes playing correctly is playing boring. It's just important that hands like Q8 and Q9 don't start to look too good.

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