Wednesday, February 6, 2008

goodbye ten bucks

Originally dated February 3, 2008
Current mood: okay
Category: Games

well, the .05-.10 cash game didn't go as well as I'd hoped this evening, but all in all the long-term perspective is still okay, as I'm still up 68 from friday night. However, I believe that I played the last hand of the evening badly, and that it cost me my stack. With plenty of chips left ($15 or so? not more than $20), I was on the button. We were five-handed, and the under-the gun player, who plays a maniac-style game, raised it up to .40. it folded to me on the button, and I looked down at QJ. with position and plenty of chips behind, I decided to make the call, as did the small blind. The big blind folded. The flop came down Q-J-8 with two diamonds. The small blind bet out .50 (I think this bet is way too small to accomplish much here), and the preflop raiser made it 1.25 (also a very small raise, which should have set off alarms). Still, I knew he would reraise with some hands I was beating, like AQ, KK, and AA, an ace-high diamond draw (possibly with a jack), or a straight/flush draw combination like KT of diamonds. I decide to make it 3.75 to go. The small blind folds, and my lone remaining opponent reraises me to 10! At this point I feel I probably should have folded, putting my opponent on 88, QQ, JJ, or another QJ, at worst AA, which I was beating. Instead, I raised all-in despite the fact that he had me covered!
When he called and turned over the 9T, I realized my error immediately! I should have known I was most likely up against a better hand - his only possible range in this spot, even as a chronically reckless preflop raiser and caller, is a set, a straight, two pair, or an overpair. This includes too many hands I'm drawing very slim against, and I could have laid it down and sacrificed less than a third of my overall stack to wait for a better spot! I decided at that point that it was time to drive back home and get ready for class tomorrow and the 10+1 tournament tomorrow night.
As a side note, I wish that I knew how to get the blog to display entries oldest to newest, rather than vice versa...

Currently listening : Super Black Market Clash By The Clash
Release date: 26 October, 1993

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