Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If you're gonna play poker, you've gotta have a brain shield.

Unfortunately a not-so-hot showing at the Monday Night Game tonight. I was playing well early on, but lost a key pot against Lee that I shouldn't have. I had the AK, and after Lee limped in, I raised it up on the button. He called with JT (which I hate) and then checked to me on a flop of AQT. I fired again, and again he calls (which again, I hate). However, when the turn came another ten, and I was check-raised, I should've known to let it go rather than stack off to Lee.
I rebought, and very soon thereafter blinds were ¢25-50. I was unable to pick up anything substantial for quite a while, and soon found myself on the small blind with only $7 left in my stack, with the blinds about to increase. Lee made it $3 to go on the button, and I looked down at AA. I went all-in for $7.25 total, and was called by Lee with KK. When he spiked his king on the flop, it was the end of the night for me. As of this writing Lee and Chip are still playing heads-up, and I will post updated points standings once I hear the results.
Either way, Chip is overdue a first or second place finish, having placed out of the points the last two weeks. Still, should he win it tonight, I still have a fair lead on him (41 to 30), but I'd like to extend it as much as possible.

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