Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday night update

It was another good night for me at the Monday night $10+1 tournament tonight. It started off quite questionably, as I got broke in level 1 overplaying pocket eights against Marc. Fortunately, the structure of the tournament makes rebuys almost too good to pass up, and after refocusing myself, I started playing more sensibly, not taking unnecessary risks when the blinds are so low.

It ended up paying off, as I won some large pots with big hands, including an all-in bet Andrew made with K7 while I held the AK (Though he rebought). Again, Chip didn't make the points this evening, which means he is now no longer the closest opponent to my score. In fact, the leaderboard overall changed drastically. This is a tough blow for chip, as both he and Andrew were eliminated by Lee's pocket queens in the same hand when there were six players left. Chip, having the shorter stack going into the hand, therefore took sixth place and no points. Lee was left with a huge amount of chips, and was in good position to end up heads-up or win the tournament.

After Andrew went out, Marc, Lee, Jake, and I remained. Jake went into fourhanded play fairly short on chips, and eventually, down to only three more big blinds, was eliminated, earning 3pts. My two remaining opponents and I played three-handed for over an hour and a half before heads-up play began. A few tough hands reversed the trend in Lee's chips, and in a while I had the lead, followed by Marc, with Lee on the shorter stack. With blinds at $1.50/3, Marc made it $6 to go. Lee followed up by raising all-in for about $29 or $30. Marc called, and Lee showed AK against Marc's pocket jacks. Though Lee was able to spike his ace on the flop, he was rivered by a backdoor straight, and went out in third place.

Marc and I battled back and forth for about 30-45 minutes, playing somewhat passively for a heads-up game, seeing only about 3 or so raised flops. It was late, and I noticed that Marc was starting to open up his game with more raises and more reraises. Eventually, I put in a raise with the A7 and was called. The flop came AK5, and Marc led for $6. I raised it up to $18 to go, and Marc quickly announced, "all in." I thought for about a minute, and made the call. He showed J6 (a total bluff) and my hand held up to win the pot.

The Points Standings

Me (41 pts)

Marc (26 pts)

Chip (22 pts)

Jake (19 pts)

Dale (16 pts)

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